Sunday, 3 May 2020

NEA Generic Research Summation

After analysing three documentaries, there was codes and conventions that were becoming more clear that was used throughout most documentaries. By understanding how these codes and conventions are used, it will allow for me to be able to incorporate them into my documentary.

Common Codes and Conventions:

  • Within the intro alone there is a range of different shots used that help to keep the pace of the documentary up and keep the interest of the audience - mid shots are the most commonly used shot for simplicity and can help to keep the main focus in the shot, especially seen in generic research 3.
  • In all three of the documentaries, I watched there were short clips from interviews that would be shown further in, that were shown in the intro. these short clips help to keep the audience intrigued with what will come later in the documentary and help to keep the audience wanting to watch on. The interviews are also an effective way of putting across more information to the audience in a fresher viewpoint, from someone like them, which is seen a lot in generic research 1.
  • All three of the documentaries used voiceovers to either explain what was on screen or to talk over scenes that didn't have much relevancy to the topic. This is a good technique to use, especially in the intro, as you can quickly get across the point of the documentary about what is to come.
  • The narrative of these documentaries, especially generic research 2, follows the presenter on a journey where they investigate to find out what really happened, within this,they incorporate interviews to find out more detail and to get public opinion.

Applying Theory:

John Grierson - Used the term 'the creative treatment of actuality' to describe documentaries, meaning that depending on the style and type of documentary what is produced will be able to satisfy the viewer and enable them to come out learning new knowledge and opinions. This can be applied to my documentary as I want to have the viewers finish watching and having their own opinion on the topic.

Ben Nicols- This theory contains six modes of documentary, these are; poetic, expository, participatory, observational, reflexive and performative. The main modes which will be focused on in my documentary after seeing how they are used in other documentaries will be the expository mode and participatory.
  • Expository mode - Known as the 'voice of god', which will be good to incorporate into my documentary as it fits the style and would almost provide the audience with a voice of reason and ability to see different opinions.
  • Participatory mode - This will allow for me to involve lots of audience participation by having public interviews to gather different opinions from the public to provide more variety to the documentary.

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